Rockville’s Mayor and Council sent a letter this week to the Montgomery County Council with their testimony on the Shady Grove Sector Plan Minor Master Plan Amendment.
Since the adoption by the county of the Shady Grove Sector Plan in 2006, several substantive changes to the county’s land use planning policies and practices require the plan be updated.
The Mayor and Council commended the amendment’s “overall vision and various strategies” for areas including transit, economic development and new job creation. They also strongly support the amendment’s goals of providing a range of housing types that include affordable housing and a number of transit-related improvements.
However, the Mayor and Council stated their concerns about “the potential negative impacts on Rockville (and the rest of the surrounding area) with respect to traffic, schools, the environment and other infrastructure and facilities,” and requested a reconsideration of some plan components.
More information on the 2006 Shady Grove Sector Plan and the amendment process is available at