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Mayor and Council to Hold Public Hearing on Community Development Block Grant Funds Needs

The Mayor and Council will hold a public hearing during their Monday. Sept. 9 meeting on housing and community development needs for Community Development Block Grant funding in Fiscal Year 2026.
Testimony from the hearing will be used by the Mayor and Council to determine funding decisions. The meeting begins at 7 p.m.

CDBG are federal funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to local and state governments to support a wide range of community development activities. CDBG funding will become available in fall 2026.

Rockville has received roughly $263,000 annually in CDBG funding over the last several years. Find information about the grant program and eligibility requirements at
Applications for CDBG are open and must be completed by 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16.

CDBG provides federal funding for housing and community development programs that benefit low- and moderate-income people. Rockville’s CDBG funding comes through Montgomery County. Projects can include roofing repair, hot-water heater and window replacements, and kitchen and bathroom renovations, for example.

For more information, contact the Department of Housing and Community Development at 240-314-8300.

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