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Mayor and Council to Discuss Draft Comprehensive Plan

The Mayor and Council will hold virtual meetings in May and June to discuss the City of Rockville’s proposed comprehensive plan update.

Rockville’s comprehensive plan sets a vision and goals for the future of the city, with practical policies and actions to achieve those goals.

The comprehensive plan draft is organized in two sections.

The first contains 10 broad, citywide “Elements,” including topics such as land use, transportation, recreation and parks, environment, economic development, housing and municipal growth.

The second section focuses on issues and opportunities specific to 17 neighborhood-scale planning areas.

A Mayor and Council work session held on April 19 covered the proposed plan’s Elements and included a conversation with the Rockville Planning Commission. Another work session, scheduled for May 3, will continue that discussion.

A second public hearing on the comprehensive plan draft will be held by the Mayor and Council on Monday, June 14.

The draft comprehensive plan is based on feedback gathered throughout the Rockville 2040 process, which included numerous listening sessions, citywide forums, open houses and other meetings, as well as analysis and discussion by the Planning Commission and city staff.

If adopted by the Mayor and Council, as anticipated in July, it will replace the city’s previous 2002 comprehensive plan and many of its subsequent amendments.

Review the draft plan or contact principal planner Clark Larson at [email protected] or 240-314-8225 for more information.

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