Rockville has again been named a “Banner City” by the Maryland Municipal League.
The Banner Cities program recognizes municipalities whose elected and appointed officials are the league’s most engaged members.
According to the MML, the Banner City/Town program fosters an environment where officials feel that their activities make a difference.
“Banner City/Town criteria are a guidepost to help members get the most out of their League membership from education to volunteer opportunities,” a release from the MML stated. “Those officials who actively pursue achieving all five criteria [for the designation] have a well-rounded view of what the League offers and play an integral part in progressing the League’s mission to strengthen the leadership of city/town officials.”
According to the MML, officials from municipalities designated as banner cities or towns:
- Made the best use of league resources including conferences and networking opportunities.
- Served as municipal ambassadors by shining the light on what municipalities do.
- Volunteered on a committee, with the board of directors, or engaged with the Academy of Excellence for Local Governance.
2021 Banner cities and towns will be honored by MML sponsor Comcast and league leadership at the summer conference, Tuesday, June 29.
Forty-nine of the state’s 157 municipalities received the designation for 2021.