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Plans for Improved Rockville Skate Park Move Ahead

A new and improved skate park for the City of Rockville took a step forward in January with the Mayor and Council’s unanimous approval of a bid award for design and construction.

The new, 15,000-square-feet concrete skate venue would replace the city’s wood and steel park behind the Rockville Swim and Fitness Center, at 355 Martins Lane, which is showing signs of deterioration after close to two decades in operation, despite numerous repairs over the years.

The bid contract was awarded to Spohn Ranch, Inc. of Los Angeles, California, which has designed and built skate parks in Prince George’s and Howard counties in Maryland; Fairfax County, Virginia; Ocean City, New Jersey; West Virginia; California; and in other areas of the U.S.

Features at the new park, construction of which is anticipated to take 10 months, would include an entrance building, lighting, landscaping, and parking and access road improvements.

For more details on the current skate park, visit For updates on the construction, visit

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