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Public Transit Study to Hold Workshop, Conduct Survey

Gap Analysis is Among Mayor and Council Priority Initiatives

UPDATE: The workshop on public transit scheduled for Jan. 29 has been rescheduled for 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5 at City Hall. 

A city study includes opportunities in January for community members to offer input about Rockville’s public transit needs.

The consultant-led Transit Gap Analysis and Needs Assessment Study will assess and analyze potential needs and gaps within Rockville’s existing public transit network and determine unmet demand for new or additional transit services.

A workshop for community members to help evaluate Rockville’s transit needs will be held 7-9 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5 in the Mayor and Council Chambers at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave.

The city’s consultant is also conducting a survey about transportation issues facing city residents and workers. To take the survey, visit

Rockville is known for quality transit-oriented development. The Mayor and Council identified exploring the feasibility of a local transit service as a priority for this term, as part of their focus on planning and preservation.

A city study includes opportunities in January for community members to offer input about Rockville’s public transit needs.

This article has been updated.

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