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Public Transit Study Will Seek Community Input

Gap Analysis is Part of a Mayor and Council Priority Initiative

A study of the city’s public transit needs will include several opportunities for community members to offer feedback.

The consultant-led Transit Gap Analysis and Needs Assessment Study will assess and analyze potential needs and gaps within Rockville’s existing public transit network, and determine unmet demand for new or additional transit services.

Rockville is known for quality transit-oriented development. The Mayor and Council identified exploring the feasibility of a local transit service as a priority for this term, as part of their focus on planning and preservation.

The city’s consultant will develop and distribute an online survey to collect and quantify feedback from city residents and workers. A January public workshop at City Hall, at a date and time to be determined, will encourage further public engagement in evaluating Rockville’s transit needs.

These public engagement components will help the city better understand transportation issues facing the Rockville community.

A link to the online survey and details about the January workshop will be posted at and included in the January edition of “Rockville Reports” when they become available.

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