Montgomery County students can ride for free more often on county Ride On buses beginning July 1.

Montgomery County’s budget for Fiscal Year 2020, which begins July 1, includes funding to expand the Kids Ride Free program to all day, every day. Free rides are available 2-8 p.m. weekdays through June 30.
Effective July 1, kindergarten through 12th-grade students who live in the county can ride any Ride On bus free by showing their school ID or Youth Cruiser SmarTrip card to the bus operator. Children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult.
Youth Cruiser SmarTrip cards can be purchased for $2 at any county library, the Silver Spring TRiPS store, the mobile commuter store, select schools and the county treasury office, with the child’s proper identification.
Find a list of schools selling the cards at
Visit for more information.