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Rockville Metro Pedestrian Bridge Repairs Underway

The pedestrian bridge linking Rockville Town Center and the Rockville Metro Station over Rockville Pike is expected to reopen late next summer following repairs.

Metro closed the bridge June 17 due to safety concerns after glass panels in the bridge shattered.

The work, which is being managed by Metro, will include repairing two glass panels, replacing brackets and rubber pads that support the panels, and concrete work. A second contractor will make roof repairs. The work is expected to begin this winter, though Metro had yet to set a start date as of press time for this issue of “Rockville Reports.” Structural repairs and roof replacement will occur simultaneously, with the project expected to be completed in July or August.

Construction is planned for weekdays, 7 a.m-5 p.m. The contract allows for night and weekend work, though none is planned unless deemed necessary by Maryland Department of Transportation permitting for work over Rockville Pike (MD 355). Rockville Department of Public Works staff met with Metro representatives on Oct. 22 to discuss the repairs and explained the need to comply with the county’s noise ordinance.

The project, which was identified by the Mayor and Council as a priority, is expected to cost $1.7 million, with the city covering $425,000 of the cost.

Signs direct riders to a shuttle that runs daily during Metro service hours between the station’s west entrance and a stop across Rockville Pike at East Montgomery Avenue and Monroe Street. The city worked with Montgomery County to modify signal timing so that pedestrians can more safely cross Rockville Pike at Park Road and Church Street using marked crosswalks and following pedestrian crossing signals.

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