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Rockville Needs Volunteers
to Shovel Snow for Seniors

Rockville is a city of neighborhoods with a tradition of looking out for one another, and never is that more true than when we’re helping neighbors who may not be able to help themselves as well as they once did.

That’s why each winter the Rockville Senior Center looks for ways to help older Rockville residents with snow removal. If you’re handy with a shovel and don’t mind digging out an extra driveway or clearing off a walkway or two, you can sign up and volunteer for the program.

The senior center’s home maintenance coordinator organizes the program and can connect you with neighbors in need near your home.

To sign up to volunteer or to request snow-shoveling assistance, call 240-314-8819 or call the Senior Center Support Services office at 240-314-8810. To sign up for assistance or volunteer online, visit

For more information about the Rockville Senior Services, call 240-314-8800 or email [email protected].

When winter weather strikes, turn to the city’s website at Closure and snow emergency information is available at, and through email notices, social media, and by signing up for Alert Rockville notifications. Learn more at

If you’re 60 or older and would like to brush up on your winter weather checklist, the senior center is holding a free seminar, “Preparing for Winter Weather,” 1-3 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 16. (Sign up through Rock Enroll,, course #56760).

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