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Rockville to Pilot Deer-management Hunting Program

RedGate to Close Sept. 6-Nov. 30

Rockville will pilot an archery-only deer cull from about Sept. 6-Nov. 30 at RedGate Park, in addition to continuing the city’s ongoing efforts to manage a growing white-tailed deer population, such as data collection, education, the use of repellents and fencing, and participation in a countywide deer-management working group.

As the number of deer have increased, so has the risk of vehicle accidents, damage to landscapes and forest ecosystems, and Lyme disease.

From 2008-2017, according to the Rockville City Police Department, 1,400 deer-vehicle collisions were reported, most often during the height of the deer breeding season in October and November. A survey of six Rockville parks showed an average of 130-160 deer per square mile.

The pilot would allow hunting, with bows or crossbows, within a strictly defined and sign-designated area of the park, by nonprofit deer-management organizations that meet stringent state and local regulations. The park will be closed during that period.

For more information on Rockville’s urban wildlife management program, visit

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