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Rockville’s Summer Programs Keep Kids’ Minds and Bodies Thriving

Camps and Playgrounds Start in June

It’s never too early to start thinking about what to do with your kids over a summer break — and Rockville’s summer programs are open to everyone, not just city residents!

Summer Blast
Summer Blast, Rockville’s affordable, flexible all-day camp, returns to four locations with swimming, field trips, arts, crafts, games and special events. Participants can register by the week or for the whole summer.

Summer Blast provides full-day care, 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. June 22-Aug. 13.

Other camp opportunities include Tiny Chefs Cooking, Mad Science, Lego Invention, robotics, Dramatic Kids, Abrakadoodle and Steel Soccer (formerly U.K. Elite). New this year, Rockville is partnering with Adventure Theater to provide a theater camp at F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre. Camps are for kids age 4-16.

Summer Playgrounds
The summer will also be packed with things to do for kids age 6-12 who take part in Rockville’s Summer Playgrounds, held at nine park and school locations throughout the city. In this six-week program, children spend time with friends, enjoy crafts and water activities, and play sports and games. Playgrounds runs from June 29-Aug. 6.

Find out more about the city’s summer program for kids and teens in the “Summer Camps Guide 2020,” which will be available online and in print Monday, Jan. 13 at city facilities and Rockville libraries. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21. Register early to take advantage of a convenient plan that allows payment for summer programs in four installments.

For a summer season preview, drop by the city’s booth at the 2020 Montgomery County Camp and Summer Fun Expo, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, at the Hilton Hotel Meeting Center, 1750 Rockville Pike.

For more information, visit

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