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Student Art Show at Glenview Mansion Gallery Seeks Entries

Rockville students — start getting your art ready! The Glenview Mansion Art Gallery is inviting you to submit drawings, paintings and sculpture to Rockville’s Annual Student Art Show.

This popular yearly show, held in partnership with the Rockville Art League, features artwork from Rockville students in grades K-12. Students who live or attend school in Rockville may deliver one 2-D or 3-D art piece for display in the gallery. All artwork is displayed, and works from students in grades 4-12 will be judged for ribbons in the categories of Hometown; Earth, Wind and Fire; STEAM; Box Smasher and Dazzle.

Delivery and registration for artwork is 1:30-3:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 4. The show’s opening reception, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 11, will feature live entertainment by Bones Jones Music. The exhibition will run until March 12.

For a registration form and additional details, visit For more information, contact Julie Farrell at or 240-314-8682.

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