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The City of Rockville Responds

What You Need to Know About the City’s Response to COVID-19

Rockville City Hall and city facilities will be closed to the public through Friday, April 24, following recently issued state directives for slowing the spread of the new coronavirus, COVID-19.

Employees are conducting as much of the city’s operations as possible while maintaining recommended social distancing to ensure the health and safety of city staff and the community. Employees who are able have moved to a telework schedule.

Essential city services will continue throughout this period, including regular trash and recycling collection, water treatment, street repair, water and sewer system repair, building code and fire inspections, animal control, traffic signal repair, and police patrols and emergency response.

Additionally, all city parks remain open to the public, though as a safety precaution, playgrounds and athletic courts are closed for use.

Closures and Cancellations
Gov. Larry Hogan has issued an executive order prohibiting gatherings of more than 10 people and a stay-at-home order that states that no Maryland resident should leave their home unless it is for an essential job or for an essential reason, such as obtaining food or medicine, seeking urgent medical attention, or for other necessary purposes. For more about the stay-at-home order, visit Rockville’s in-person events, classes, programs, rentals and activities are canceled through Thursday, April 30.

The Recreation and Parks Department is creating live-streamed classes for registered participants. See the online calendar at for details, which will be posted as classes are developed.

The facility closure applies to community centers, the Rockville Swim and Fitness Center, Rockville Senior Center, Croydon Creek Nature Center, Glenview Mansion, F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre and Montrose Discovery Preschool. 

No Utility Shut-offs or Late Fees for Rockville Customers During
COVID-19 Emergency

Gov. Larry Hogan has issued an emergency order that prohibits electric, gas, water, sewage, phone, cable TV and internet service provider companies from shutting off any residential customer’s service, or charging any residential late fees, during the COVID-19 emergency.
If you’ve recently received a shut-off notice from the City of Rockville, you can disregard it. The city will not be shutting off water and sewer service if you did not meet the payment deadline by March 15. Any utility bills issued after Feb. 15 will not be assessed late fees while the governor’s emergency order is in effect.

We encourage paying your bill online in the safety of your home. For assistance, email [email protected].

Rockville Senior Center Is Here to Help
While the Rockville Senior Center is closed until further notice, senior services staff are here for you.

Seniors who need assistance can call 240-314-8800, from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Due to recommendations for social distancing, senior services will be unable to transport seniors on trips to grocery stores or pharmacies. Instead, the senior center’s Call and Ride program is available during this crisis to provide taxi coupons to seniors in need of transportation. Seniors, living in the city limits of Rockville, in need of transportation can call 240-314-8810 for assistance.

Please check on your elderly neighbors to see if they need anything. Even a phone call goes a long way toward combating social isolation.

Access Some City Services from the Comfort of Your Couch
You can still utilize many city services, such as reporting concerns, scheduling inspections and making payments, through the city’s website. Visit for a list.

Refund Information for Rec and Parks Programs, Events and Activities
Recreational facilities, events, classes, programs, rentals and activities are canceled through Thursday, April 30. Canceled programs, events and rentals will be refunded or credited for future use.

Community center memberships will be extended to account for lost days.
Questions? Contact Recreation and Parks at [email protected] or 240-314-8620, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Rockville Parks Open; Playground Use Prohibited
While City of Rockville parks will remain open, as a safety precaution, the use of playground equipment and other park amenities is now prohibited.

Signs have been posted at playgrounds throughout City of Rockville parks. Following an order by Gov. Larry Hogan to limit public gatherings to no more than 10 people, lights at Rockville’s outdoor courts and sports fields will remain off during evening and nighttime hours. Bathrooms at the city’s parks are closed.

As a reminder, while parks remain open, amenities in the parks are closed, including playgrounds, fitness stations, tennis and pickleball courts, basketball, Bankshot and volleyball courts, the skate park at the Rockville Swim and Fitness Center, and athletic fields for group play. 

We ask that parks visitors do not congregate at those amenities and keep to a recommended safe distance from each other of 6 feet or more.

Connect With Us 
For general inquiries, call 240-314-8106.

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