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Volunteers Wanted for Senior Center Entrance Advisory Group

The city is seeking volunteers for an advisory group to provide input on a new entrance to the Rockville Senior Center.

The group will provide input for the design of a new access road to the center’s parking lot from the intersection of West Gude and Piccard drives.

Members will meet several times throughout the design process to present concerns and issues, share the group’s progress with interested parties, and provide recommendations to be incorporated into the project’s design phase. Meetings will likely be held at the Rockville Senior Center beginning in January.

The group is the result of discussions between the city’s Department of Public Works, the Senior Citizens Commission and neighborhood associations near the center. The final number of group members will depend on the level of community interest.

For more information, or to apply, contact Jennifer Wang, senior transportation engineer, at [email protected] or 240-314-8506.

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