Tree Recycling Makes the Holidays Greener
This article has been updated. Please see the note at the bottom of the article. Rockville collects Christmas trees as part of its recycling collection.
This article has been updated. Please see the note at the bottom of the article. Rockville collects Christmas trees as part of its recycling collection.
Don’t miss a chance to provide comments on Rockville’s first draft Climate Action Plan. Public comments will be accepted through Friday, Dec. 3 at, where the draft plan is available for review.
The city’s recycling and trash collections usually occur Monday through Thursday. If a city holiday falls Monday through Thursday, all collections scheduled on or after the holiday will be made one day later than usual that week. In 2022, there are several city holidays when city government will be closed
The city is scheduled to conclude its fall leaf collection on Friday, Dec. 24, with crews completing the second of two rounds of vacuuming leaves from neighborhood curbs. An interactive map at allows residents to input their address and learn when their leaves will be collected.
Pet waste belongs in the trash, not on the ground. Pet waste contains twice as many bacteria per gram as human waste. In your yard, in our parks, in the dog park – wherever you are, pick up the poop and put it in the trash. Follow these tips to prevent
America Recycles Day is Monday, Nov. 15. The 25th annual day of awareness, sponsored by Keep America Beautiful, encourages community members to visit and take the #BeRecycled pledge to commit to recycling. The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments is sponsoring its own pledge challenge, featuring prizes. Visit
When the holiday feast is finished, don’t pour fats, oils and grease, i.e., FOG, down the drain. FOG, including sauces, gravy and salad dressings, can trap solids, form hard deposits and clog pipes, causing basement backups, sewer overflows and costly damage to city infrastructure and private property. Before washing dishes,
Montgomery County’s H20 Summit will be held virtually on Wednesday, Nov. 10 via Zoom. The free annual celebration of water and our actions to keep it clean will feature educational sessions to provide community members with ways to make water-conscious decisions and tools to use in their backyards to help
The Mayor and Council are scheduled to review Rockville’s first draft Climate Action Plan during their meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 15. The discussion is now on an earlier agenda than previously scheduled. Find a staff report and the plan with the Nov. 15 Mayor and Council agenda when
The city was recognized for a fourth time as a Sustainable Maryland community and earned the program’s Sustainability Champion designation, at the Maryland Municipal League’s fall conference on Oct. 12 in Ellicott City. Rockville amassed more points than any other community for efforts that include its 32nd consecutive year as
Rockville’s Mayor and Council begin budget deliberations this month with public hearings and work sessions focused on a Fiscal Year 2026 budget that prioritizes the Mayor and Council’s focus areas of public safety, economic development and housing. The proposed budget
Clocks move forward an hour this month, providing an extra hour of daylight in the evening. Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 9 — an ideal reminder for homeowners to check smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
Community members and readers of “Rockville Reports” will notice a new look for the City of Rockville beginning this month as Rockville rolls out a new branding identity. The Mayor and Council approved the new branding in July. Since then,
Rockville Reports is the official publication of the City of Rockville, published at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.