April is Flood Awareness Month
Anywhere it can rain, it can flood. With the rainy spring season ahead, it’s important to know the risk and be prepared to reduce the impact of potential flooding.
Anywhere it can rain, it can flood. With the rainy spring season ahead, it’s important to know the risk and be prepared to reduce the impact of potential flooding.
RCPD to Participate in April 22 Collection, Drop Box Is Available Year-Round The Rockville City Police Department offers a safe, free and anonymous way to dispose of unwanted prescription drugs during National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Saturday, April 22. In cooperation with the Drug Enforcement Administration, city police
The city is holding walking meetings this month offering the opportunity for public input as Rockville considers the feasibility of six proposed sidewalk projects. Rockville staff and the city’s design consultant will conduct “walk the block” public meetings about four proposed projects to fill in gaps in the city’s sidewalk
Construction along Baltimore Road is in its final phase, with the city’s contractor eyeing a spring completion for the project. Over the winter, crews installed the final storm drains, new curb and gutter, and several sidewalk and shared-use path links between Rockville High School and Broadwood Drive.
Citations will be issued beginning March 1 for vehicles exceeding the speed limit on a segment of Veirs Mill Road where the city recently installed speed monitoring cameras.
The Rockville City Police Department took the plunge at the Maryland State Police Polar Bear Plunge on Feb. 3 at Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis. The plunge raised $3.5 million in support of Special Olympics Maryland, with RCPD’s plunge team raising more than $1,100 for the cause. For more
Daylight saving time begins 2 a.m. Sunday, March 12, which is the ideal reminder for homeowners to check smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors while setting clocks forward an hour. Alarms and detectors are the best way of notifying you and your family of a fire. State law requires that
Rockville is a great place to get around by all modes of transportation. People may drive to a park, bike to work, or walk or roll to a store.
February can bring some of the snowiest, iciest conditions to Rockville. Drive safely with these tips: Keep your vehicle well-maintained for the winter driving season: Check to see that the brakes, heating/cooling system, electrical system, engine, exhaust, tires, oil, lights, defrosters and wipers are working properly. Consider installing winter or
The city’s Vision Zero Task Force is using a new audit process to examine roadways and identify needed improvements following several serious and fatal crashes on Rockville roads last fall.
Parking Restrictions Remain in Effect Until 4 p.m. Tuesday The City of Rockville’s snow emergency remains in effect and all city facilities will remain closed Tuesday, Jan. 7 due to the ongoing winter storm. Recycling, trash and yard waste collection
Rockville City Hall and all city facilities will be closed Monday, Jan. 6, due to the winter storm moving through the region. In anticipation of the storm, Rockville has declared a snow emergency requiring that all vehicles be removed from roads within
Parking Restrictions Take Effect at 10 p.m. Sunday *Update: Rockville City Hall and all city facilities will be closed Monday, Jan. 6. View trash, recycling and yard waste pickup updates, and Mayor and Council meeting information here. The City of
Rockville Reports is the official publication of the City of Rockville, published at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.