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Earth Month for Early Birds (and Bees and Flowers and Trees)

Earth Day is Saturday, April 22, but Rockville celebrates Earth Month throughout the spring, including these events budding in March, blooming in April and fully flowering in May:

Saturday, March 25: Earth Hour. 8:30-9:30 p.m. Click here to learn more.

Tuesday, March 28-Wednesday, March 29: Montgomery County Energy Summit. Silver Spring. Learn more at

Green Permit Fee Waivers for Earth Month. To commemorate Earth Month, Rockville will waive permit fees in April for certain environmentally friendly home improvements. Click here to learn more.

Saturday, April 15: Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanups. Stream cleanup sites include:

· Croydon Creek Nature Center, 852 Avery Road, 9:30 a.m.-noon.

· Twinbrook Community Recreation Center, 12920 Twinbrook Parkway, 9:30-11 a.m.

· Maryvale Park, 812 First St., 10 a.m.-noon.

Student Service Learning hours are available. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required at

Tuesday, April 18: Climate Solutions Speaker Series: “Native Plants and Trees for Your Yard.” 7-8 p.m. Online. Click here to learn more.

Saturday, April 22: GreenFest in the Gardens, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at Brookside Gardens, 1800 Glenallan Ave., Wheaton. Learn about protecting and preserving the natural environment. Topics will include land use, food consumption and composting, clean water, biodiversity, sustainable gardening, and environmental justice.

Saturday, April 22: Earth Day at Croydon Creek Nature Center. Drop-in activities, while supplies last, including make-and-take crafts, an outdoor scavenger hunt, rain barrel raffle, story time at 9:30 a.m. and a coloring contest. Coloring sheets will be available starting April 1. Visit for more information.

Saturday, April 22: Earth Day Stream Cleanup, 10 a.m.-noon, at the Winding Rose Tributary behind Julius West Middle School. SSL hours are available. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required at

Sunday, April 23: Science Day. Noon-5 p.m. at Montgomery College, Rockville Campus, 51 Mannakee St. Click here to learn more.

Sunday, April 23: GreenFest in the City, noon-5 p.m. at 2425 Reedie Drive, Wheaton. Learn how to “green” your home and daily commute. Topics will include energy consumption, home and appliance efficiency, recycling, transportation, electric vehicles, and green business initiatives.

Tuesday, April 25: Arbor Day Celebration. 10 a.m. at Bayard Rustin Elementary School, 332 W. Edmonston Drive. Join students and the city’s Forestry Division for a ceremony and tree planting.

Saturday, April 29: City Nature Challenge, 9-10 a.m. at Croydon Creek Nature Center. An annual worldwide event encouraging people in cities to observe nature in their community. Download the iNaturalist app before attending the event. Then, learn how to use the app from naturalists leading an excursion in the forest preserve to observe wildlife. Register for course #27354 at

Saturday, May 6: 21st Annual Spring Festival and Native Plant Sale, 10 a.m.-noon at Croydon Creek Nature Center. Bring the entire family and enjoy the wonders of nature in an urban setting. Activities include woodland hikes, spring native plant sale, nature games/crafts and children’s entertainment.  

Sunday, May 7: Invasive Species Pull, 1:30-3:30 p.m. at Croydon Creek Nature Center. Help remove invasive plant species and improve the Hayes Forest Preserve. SSL hours available. Register for course #27348 at

Saturday, May 20: Kids to Parks Day, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The National Park Trust and the City of Rockville Department of Recreation and Parks invite the community to visit Croydon Creek Nature Center to celebrate Kids to Parks Day. Spend time in the Hayes Forest Preserve. Free drop-in activities while supplies last. Learn more at  

Ongoing Volunteer and Education Opportunities  

Celebrate Earth Month Year-Round at Croydon Creek Nature Center. Looking for more to do outside? Croydon Creek Nature Center offers hikes, campfires, nature outings, youth camps and more throughout the year. Learn more and register at  

Weed Warrior Workdays. Join Rockville Weed Warrior Leaders for non-native, invasive plant removal workdays. SSL hours available. Space is limited. Find upcoming events and register at  

Adopt-A-Stream. Groups can adopt a Rockville stream and host cleanups to help keep litter out of local waterways. Apply at  

Plog Rockville. Pledge to clean up litter while you walk, jog or run through Rockville and receive a free plogging bag while supplies last. For more details and to take the pledge, visit  

Solar and EV Charger Co-op Coming Soon. If you are interested in rooftop solar, or are looking to install an electric vehicle charger, then this is the opportunity for you! For updates about upcoming information sessions, visit or sign up for the “Environment and Sustainability News” email newsletter, where you can also find seasonal updates on environmental events, volunteer opportunities and climate action news throughout the year. Visit and select “Environment and Sustainability.”

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